And now, the first of many books

The San Jose miners have been above ground barely two weeks and already an enterprising Chilean publisher has brought out a book on their rescue. Underground–33 Miners who Moved the World is written by Francisco Leal Diaz, a journalist and professor at the Universidad Academia Humanismo Cristiano.  He says the 130-page book is written in the style of a novel, and reconstructs events from the tunnel collapse on August 5 to the successful rescue on October 13.

What Else Lies Beneath

The proffered gifts and freebies for Chile’s 33 rescued miners keep coming, with Israel offering the miners and their families a Christmas trip to the Holy Land, flights, lodging, food and excursions included.  Four of the miners appeared this week on a Spanish television talk show, while Edison Pena, an Elvis fan and dedicated runner who forced himself to jog in a tunnel while awaiting rescue, has been invited to Graceland and to take part in the New York Marathon.  A jubilant Sebastian Pinera toured Europe this past week, presenting Britain’s David Cameron and the Queen with rocks from the San Jose mine.  He visited a primary school where he gave the head teacher a T-shirt with an image of the famous note the miners sent to rescuers, and received 33 kitchen towels for each of the miners.  In Germany Angela Merkel gave him a German soccer team jersey autographed by a player who happens to have the same name as one of the miners and whose number is…33.

There was a slight public relations hiccup during the trip, when Pinera is speaking to British reporters about the rescue.  He mentions the note, and his wife murmurs to him in Spanish that he should not pull it out yet again (“No lo muestres”).  The incident was widely reported in the Chilean media, with video links.

Back home, what kind of support are the miners receiving?  Not enough, according to their lawyer, who has questioned their rapid discharge from the hospital in Copiapo just a few days after their rescue. The athletic Edison Pena was readmitted, suffering from signs of severe depression.  The physician who headed the medical team treating the miners told El Mercurio that the men were still quite fragile, and that the frenzy of celebrations and parties, mixed with heavy alcohol consumption, was not helping matters.  Lawyer Edgardo Reinoso said the miners had begun legal action against the San Esteban mining company, which owns the San Jose mine, as well as the officials who allowed the mine to continue operating under dangerous conditions.   His clients, he said, were “modest working men who are not trying to become millionaires” and who just want to see justice done.

What Lies Beneath

The mine is already shut down or else they’re planning to close it and there isn’t even a hope of a job. On the road again, following another tip, passing through ghost towns where with luck there are a few old folks, a few kids and dogs still around. Or you’re out of luck, because all the tin shacks are gone and there’s not even a watchman left to guard the place, because the plant has moved away, skin and bones and all, and thieves have taken even the rusty nails so all that’s left are graves. There’s just a cemetery like an island in the middle of the desert.  A cemetery with dry, cracked crosses, no hint of color. A dead cemetery, slapped down there by some mysterious hand, offering you no protection from the noonday sun or the nighttime cold. A cemetery where, if you took it into your head to dig, you’d find a corpse as intact as if they’d buried it last week, even though the funeral was twenty years ago.

—Luis Alberto Acuna, Walking the Atacama 

The San Jose mine is closed, perhaps forever, and Chile’s exuberant joy at the miners’ rescue seems to beam itself around the world.  President Sebastian Pinera, a conservative who became president in March after a second round vote, observed that the near-tragedy had changed the country. “I hope that from now on, when people around the world hear the word ‘Chile’ they will not remember the coup d’etat or the dictatorship,” he told the BBC.  “They will remember how all the Chileans were united for the rescue.”  Pinera also promised to review the country’s mine safety regulations and their enforcement.

According to Chile’s National Geological and Mining Service, 34 workers have been killed in mining accidents this year, 35 in 2009 and 43 in 2008.  The Centro de Investigacion e Informacion Periodistica (, an investigative journalism center in Santiago, produced a lengthy report on the case of Manuel Martinez Vega, a 59-year old miner employed at the small, illegally operating Juanita mine in a part of the Atacama desert known as the Distrito Desesperado.  Two years earlier Chilean authorities, citing various violations, had ordered the mine closed, but the owner continued to operate it, selling the extracted ore to the state mining agency via another small mine he owned.  When a tunnel collapsed the other workers managed to escape, but Martinez Vega was trapped 300 meters below.  After five days the rescue was called off and Martinez Vega pronounced dead, though it was far from clear that he was.  The miner’s long-time girlfriend told CIPER that he had talked to her about crawl spaces and furrows in the mine, where workers might seek refuge in case of an accident.  And a year after the accident the Juanita mine’s owner received permission to operate yet another mine.

Here’s a link to the story (in Spanish):